By Olivia Obijiaku
Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria have been told to trade their talents and positions with caution so that they do not lose them to pride and arrogance. The Priest-in-Charge of St Ann’s Parish Zango Tama Rev Fr Patrick Atama took this stand on the Feast Day of St. Matthias, Tuesday 14th May 2024.
Reflecting on the reading on the replacement of Judas, the priest noted that everybody is dispensable in the Church because their positions can be occupied by another just as Matthias occupied Judas Iscariot’s.“Nobody is indispensable in the Church.” He asserted. “Do not think you are the only one who can do a particular thing. Somebody will definitely replace you when you go.
So, do not be carried away, no matter how intelligent, no matter how wise you think you are. Somebody can do that same work that you are doing. So do not be proud because you are occupying one position today.
No matter who you are today, just know that you are not indispensable. As you are leaving today, somebody is replacing. One day, you leave and it may be the person you are looking down upon you will occupy that seat. So, use the temporal time that God has given you today to help other people. Use it well. Do not use it to be wicked to people because it is a privilege.
Position cannot save you. Our status can never save us.”Fr Atama encouraged them to seek God’s direction in all that they do and to build good relationships with people they encounter in life as Matthias and Barsabbas did with the apostles.