By Ononye VC
Amidst a variety of activities rolled out at the 70th birthday celebration of the Archbishop of Onitsha,Most Rev Valerian Okeke inside the Onitsha Custodial Centre recently,seven inmates received the sacrament of Confirmation which Archbishop Okeke administered on them.
The Confirmation ritual was done by the Archbishop before a huge congregation who attended the birthday thanksgiving mass while the seven candidates knelt before the altar.
As is common during such a solemn ocassion,a Catholic of good standing is nominated to stand as a sponsor for the recipients while the ceremony progresses.
Providentially on that day,the Labour Party Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District,Sir Victor Umeh was nominated to stand as sponsor of the seven inmates.
Senator Umeh,a knight of St John International,performed the sacred duty creditably by guiding the recipients properly until after the administration of the sacrament by the Archbishop.
At the end of the mass,Sir Victor Umeh expressed fulfilment for having been called up by the Archbishop to perform such duty.
According to him,it was not only an encouragement to him but a recognition and reinforcement of his works of charity which his foundation,the Victor Umeh Foundation (VUMEF)has been engaged in for a long time.
He recalled that dozens of indigent students were on his scholarship scheme and studying in various institutions of learning at primary, secondary and university levels.
Sir Victor Umeh commended the Archbishop of Onitsha on his various and unprecedented contribution towards the welfare of prison inmates and wished him many happy returns on his 70th birthday.