By Nna Anulumadu
Canon law Society of Nigeria (CLSN) has ended her 35th annual convention held between 15th and 18th November, 2023 at Madonna Renewal center, Nkpor Agu.
The convention with the theme ‘Grey Area in the relationship between Bishops and religious superior in Nigeria’ attracted the presence of Cardinal Peter Okpalaeke, Archbishop Akubeze, Archbishop Val Okeke ( the host Archbishop) and cononists from varous dioceses in Nigeria.
In his key note address, Cardinal Okpalaeke commended the canon society for choosing the theme of the covention, describing it as sacrosanct and timely. He suggested team work and cross fertilization of ideas as ways to resolve any conflict that may arise between the Bishops and the religious superiors, adding that collaboration embedded in the spirit of the church also is another panacea to misunderstanding that may be occurring between the both.
Also, Archbishop Okeke in his own key note address formerly welcomed the canonists in his Archdiocese, describing the theme of the convention as very important. He urged the canonists to chat way forward for resolving issues that may mar mutual relationships between the Bishops and the religious superiors.
The national president of Canon Law Society of Nigeria Rev Fr Dr Edwin Omorogbe in his remarks thanked the Archbishop of Onitsha for giving them best of reception. He also expressed happiness over the level of turn out at the convention.
Earlier in his homily, Archbishop Okeke charged the canonists to widen their horizon academically and read across different disciplines like St Albert the Great whose feast was celebrated same day. He also enjoined them to practice gratitude as a virtue as that perfects the entire life of a person.