By Nna Anulumadu
The manager St Charles college Onitsha, Rev Fr Emmanuel Emenu last Friday stated that the Chief Shepherd of Onitsha Archdiocese His Grace Most Rev Valerian Okeke is amplifying career opportunities of the younger ones through his investments in education.
Fr Emenu stated this while hailing the Shepherd on his 70th birthday.
According to him, Archbishop Okeke’s accomplishment in education sector is enormous, stating that he is focusing on nurturing the young ones.
“In his first publication after ascending to the throne as the Archbishop, he emphasized the need to consolidate on the gains of his predecessors including Bishop Shanahan and others in the area of education and health. Since then, he has worked and continue to work, giving special attention to young people. He is a prelate who is not just interested in present but in building the future of the young ones which none of us may be a part, but a future that is worth working for and sacrificing for . In that sacrifice, Archbishop is leading on the front and none is hesitating in following his lead because we all know he is leading us to a good place.
He is amplifying their opportunities in the world of career, and world of realising their vocations.
“In the area health, he is establishing new hospitals, equipping the old ones. Even where hope has been lost, he revived it, restored it and amplified it. He is a one man force who transformed every sector that requires attention. One may not be far from the truth when we describe him as government in himself because he is accomplishing more than a government can accomplish notwithstanding they are powered with resources generated from taxes, IGR and other allocations. But from Archbishop meager resources, he is achieving more just like he use to say, dream it you can you can achieve it . There is no aorta of doubt in my mind, that that the future under leadership will be far better than today. He I’d already setting records, because he has no comparison in the country.
As a principal and manager of this great college, before him, this office doesn’t exist. Even if existed then, it is a part time duty, but today it is a full time duty, courtesy of our dynamic Archbishop. We have now three priests working here because he saw the need to develop the young ones for greater tomorrow.
Today our college is known for holistic education . The students are been exposed to different experiences, including facility experience, quality learning experience and learning opportunities so that they can discover their skills, talents and amplify them to discover the area of life they are best suited for maximum contributions to the world. We train students to be able to help them selves, be of help to their families and transform the society. The feed back we are getting, with the support of the Archbishop is amazing and encouraging.
On this premise, his birthday celebration is an opportunity to look back in order to look forward and to thank God for his gifts
The birthday celebration of Archbishop cannot be a private event because his life touches many people including those under his authority and those that are not. And those who have come under his influence. The seventh birthday celebration of the Archbishop gives us opportunity to look back in order to look forward. In essence, it is a celebration for all of us.
Looking backward, you see that his Grace has been a gift to humanity and it has pleased God to honour us with him as our Archbishop.
We cannot count the blessings that have come down to us through him. His lifestyle attracts many people to him like honey attracts bees.
Indirectly, I have passed where he has passed before and his legacy their has remain unimpeachable. His records cannot be surpassed. I stayed briefly in a place where he studied in Italy and I can tell you his passage there cleared the way for every one who comes from Nigeria, who ever happens to go to that place because of his geniality of personality.