By Ononye VC
On Saturday 20th January 2024,the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Onitsha,was besieged by hundreds of members of the Blessed Iwene Tansi Solidarity Movement,the sick and infirm,priests and religious for a thanksgiving mass to mark the 60 years of the transition to eternal glory(death) of Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi.
In his anniversary message,the Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha,Most Rev Valerian Okeke said,”We are blessed today,for having the remains of our brother with us,and his soul in Heaven.So,we enjoy the union of heaven and earth in our midst”.The Archbishop said further,”With the highest prayer of the church,the Holy Mass,we today call upon our brother Tansi,on all the sick members of our Christian communities and those with various challenges and problems of life.We call upon him also,for the blessings of this new year 2024.
Chief celebrant at the 60th death anniversary thanksgiving mass was the Assistant Postulator of the Blessed Iwene Tansi Solidarity Movement,Very Rev Fr Dr Austine Oburota assisted by the Chief Postulator of the Tansi Solidarity Movement,Monsignor Emmanuel Nwosu,Chancellor of the Archdiocese,Very Rev Fr Dr Prudentius Emeka Aroh,the Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese,Very Rev Fr Dr Basil Ekwunife,Episcopal Vicar,Onitsha Region,Very Rev Fr Dr Victor Mbanisi among other priests.

Delivering his homily,Very Rev Fr Sampson Ogbuebuna traced the humble beginning of Blessed Cyprian Iwene Tansi after he was born in 1903 from a pagan family in Aguleri,Anambra State.
According to Fr Ogbuebuna,the late fr Tansi suffered many challenges to become a mass servant,Catechist and eventually a priest and served in various parts of Igboland and ended up being a monk,living a life of detachment,prayers,humility, mortification and penitent.
Fr Ogbuebuna pointed out that the character of Iwene Tansi was a special lesson to the faithful generally.According to him,most pious societies which ought to have towed the path of Fr Tansi were virtually closing shop because unlike Tansi,many members of the societies were after worldly affairs.
He said that it was the belief of Fr Tansi that if families are well grounded in faith and discipline,the larger society would be better.
Tansi he continued,stood for God in and out of season.He endured hatred and gossip and believed in prayers that converts sinners and transformed the society.
Fr Ogbuebuna expressed regrets on the rising issues of idolatry among youths and cautioned on the need to desist from it.
Explaining why it has taken long to Beatify fr Tansi to become a saint,the Chief Postulator on the cause of his beatification, Monsignor Emmanuel Nwosu said that only one certified miracle was needed for him to be beatified and pronounced a saint.
Highlight on the mass are,Rosary procession,confessions and prayers for the sick.