A Homily by Very Rev. Fr Dr Prudentius Emeka Aroh
Today, we embark on a journey through the biblical story of the storm, a tale that holds three crucial messages for our spiritual growth. Let us delve into these messages, each one a beacon of light guiding us on our path of faith.
(1) Firstly, every storm is an invitation to grow in our knowledge of who God is. Before now, the disciples didn’t know who Jesus was. Even the apostles had not come to terms with the true nature of Jesus as God and man. Some of them knew him as a miracle worker, having experienced his stupendous miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead and feeding 5000 people with just a few bread and fish. Others took him as a great prophet, such as Elijah or Jeremiah. Yet others saw him simply as the son of God. Remember Peter calling him the Son of God (Matt.16) without understanding the meaning. That’s why he rebuked Jesus and warned him not to talk about his passion again because he didn’t truly understand Jesus’ full identity. Of course, Jesus called him satan and told him to get behind him (Matt. 16:23).
From these, one thing is clear: these apostles and disciples have not come to terms with the divinity of Christ Jesus. It was hard for them to accept. Jesus, being God, was far from their understanding. Therefore, Jesus needed to take them to the “other side” of who He is. He needed to reveal a little about his divinity to them. That’s why He told them: “Let us cross over to the other side” (Mk.4:35). During the storm, Jesus revealed to them the other side of him, that he is God too and can control the elements of nature. The storm obeyed him, who is God. He proved to them that He was the God who created the Sea, the wind, and the storm by the power of his word so that he could control these elements by the power of his word.
It was actually after that experience that the apostles asked the most important question: Who is this man that even the Sea and the wind obey him? (Mk.4:41). Jesus answered their above identity question in our first reading today: I am the one “who shut in the sea with doors … and prescribe bounds for it…?” (Job 38: 8ff). Only God can do this, and it dawned on the apostles that Jesus was God, thanks to the storm. Every storm in your life is intended to bring you deeper into your knowledge of God.
(2) The second message of today is that when God is silent in a situation, it means that a great miracle is about to happen. The Gospel said that Jesus was sleeping with his head on a pillow. Throughout the storm, Jesus did as if he didn’t care about the safety of his apostles. He was silent, waiting for the right time. When the time came, he rebuked the storm and everywhere was calm and tranquil. The silence of God is a sign that God’s intervention is on the way. Jesus simply waited for the apostles to exhaust their energy and expertise on how to control the storm. Remember that some of them were fishing and river business experts, but this time, their expertise couldn’t save them from the violent storm. When God is silent, He is working underground. Remember Joseph and all he suffered, moving from slavery to prison and then to the throne. All through this period, God was silent. This is the pattern of God. He doesn’t abandon His beloved children even when He is silent. In Gen. 28:15, He says, “Look l am with you, l will never abandon you. In Is.54:17, He says, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Jer: 29:11 “I know my plans for you”. Don’t ever be discouraged by divine silence. He is working underground for your testimony. The important question is: are you in the same boat with Jesus?
(3) The final message of today is that the apostles took Jesus into their boat before leaving (Mk 4:36). The Gospel made it clear that there were other boats there, which allows the possibility that Jesus could have used another boat apart from the one used by the apostles. However, they insisted on staying in the same boat with Jesus. This was what guaranteed their safety and security. Some people do not have Jesus in their boat, and that’s why the storm overwhelms them. Some have even asked Jesus to go out from their boat due to one sin or the other. Remember those who asked Jesus to depart from their town because he healed the demoniac, and the evil spirit entered and drowned their pigs (Mk 5:17). They asked Jesus to leave because they lost some business. Is Jesus in your business or outside your business? Are you bringing Jesus into your boat or asking him out of the boat of your life? When Jesus is not in your boat, tragedy awaits you. God forbid that we can stay in a boat without Jesus. God bless us all. May our storms turn to our testimony, amen. Have a blessed week, dear children of God.