We can shout all we can and complain all we want but Donald Trump was elected by the American public. Remember that he survived two assassination attempts on his life and was indicted in New York for whatever reason thereof, which would be a good story for another day. Today he is wearing the mantel of leadership in the United States and the nomenclature that goes with it is the POTUS (President of the United States).
I may disagree with him on some policies, but I stand with him on most of the policies. I do not want to compare Donald Trump with our own president who made a lot of promises during the campaign, and yet after the election, the promises were abandoned.
Not even the agbdo which was the simplest thing to give. From renewed hope to renewed suffering (shage). If Donald Trump is keeping his promises and that was what he campaigned upon. One of the most important moves by Donald Trump was the transgender question.
I was very happy when he abolished the transgender madness. At a point, you do not know what to call a man or a woman. The madness was growing out of hand in the Biden-America. The abuse on young kids who do not even know what it means to be a boy or a girl would just say to the parents or their teachers that they would like to change their gender because they “feel” they are this or that.
As a man how do you even know the internal feeling of a woman and vice versa? I looked at the executive orders and I picked out some good ones like the aids on Africa (USAID). The easiest way to enrich the African politicians. Let the African leaders work for their people instead of hoping for some foreign aid and free money. The aid money they keep in Swiss banks and some other banks in Europe.
I support that he would allow people to protest in front of the abortion clinic. The climate is changing in America because he is keeping his promises and bringing back the real American values as a Christian country. If you want to live in America, you have to keep to Americans value which are Judeo-Christian.
We were told that when you go to Roma you have to live like Romans; why is it difficult to live in America? Why not live like Americans as simply as that? Donald Trump is not asking for too much.The trade war will soon start, and China and the rest of Europe will lose out because we will start seeing again made in the USA. I told my brother to point out one thing in our house that was made in Nigeria. He was bold to point to a plastic bucket that I thought was made in Nigeria but on second thought I asked my niece to bring the plastic bucket so we could check the make, it was made in Ghana.
My brother was as shocked as I was. Once upon a time in Nigeria we supplied all the West African nations with rubber and plastic materials. Today you cannot say such a thing. If we have a president who wants to take us back to the glory days of Nigeria, and who does not want an outright ban on products that can be produced in Nigeria, the only option left is tariff. Donald Trump has studied the Chinese market and its bad effect on the American economy and decided to choose the lesser option.
The tariff would make Americans go back to the glory days of made in the USA. The quality of the product would be guaranteed, and the labor force would benefit by employing more hands. Locally made goods would be cheaper because they would not go through the import and export expenses. How I wish the Nigerian president would borrow a leaf from Trump to keep his campaign promises and see reasons to encourage the local manufacturers that were killed by the military government and the subsequent civilian governments.
Why on earth should we have a plastic bucket from Ghana? I remember when they cried about having a toothpick from China.Back to my discussion with my brother, he was not able to point out one item in our room that was made in Nigeria. Even the local seats were made in Dubai, and they were all shaking because they were not strongly made like the one our local carpenters used to make, where kids could jump and dance on top and nothing would happen to it.
Now Donald Trump is calling the whole world to look inside and see what your government can do for your people, the way he is planning to do for America. He is just looking out for his people. Nwata choba nke ya obulu ajo nwa (when the kid starts to search for his/her good people tend to call him a bad kid.) But we also say nkemakonam (may I never lose what is mine).I cannot exhaust the executive orders coming out from Trump’s office, but I can say for sure that it is all for the good of American citizens.
I know that there were mixed feelings about his order on birthright. The question about the birthright of kids born in the USA is more than 150 years old. The slaves and the slave kids were the winners of the birthright. The recent America did not foresee 150 years ago that people could come to America just to give birth and refuse to pay the hospital bill and disappear. The kids born in the United States are citizens automatically, whether your parents were citizens or not, whether they paid for the hospital bill or not.
I will not try to justify that position of Mr. Trump, but I would suggest that if you come over to the United States to give birth to your child, please have the magnanimity to pay your bills and stop bringing bad names to some good Nigerians. It was this fraudulent side that pushed Trump to stop the birthright, more than any other thing. It is a very bad thing to game the system at any time. I think Trump is on the right track with his policies but let us see how far he can go in four years.