By Ononye VC
The Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha,Most Rev Valerian Okeke has urged the faithful to re-dedicate themselves to God as the living temples of God.
The Archbishop’s admonition came as he offered special prayers at the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Onitsha,to commemorate the 139 years of the arrival of early missionaries to Onitsha led by Fr Joseph Lutz on 5th December 1885,”to sow the seed of faith of a great Church,which today,has yielded the first authentic Basilica in Nigeria,the anniversary of which dedication we are also remembering today,”(5th December 1885).
According to the Archbishop,”Through this anniversary and remembrance,we are called to re-dedicate ourselves to God as the living temples of God.This involves on going self purification,constant repentance and self renewal so as to be worthy to share in the inheritance of God’s glory”,the Archbishop admonished.