By Olivia ObijiakuChristians
have been tasked to cooperate with the grace of God so that they may contribute their quota the growth of the Gospel. Reflecting on ‘The Power and Working of God’s Grace,’ at the Mass he celebrated in Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, on the Feast of Athanasius, Thursday, 2nd May, 2024 the Parish Priest Rev Fr Sebastian Vincent explained that the grace of God is available to those who are disposed to it.
He referenced the Saint of the day as one who fought Arianism, because he allowed the grace of God to work through him, maintaining that the grace does not discriminate against anyone.“The grace of God is not selective.” He catechized. “The challenge or difficulty is not with the grace itself but with our disposition. The grace of God is for all who are disposed.
We see this in our first reading today (Acts 15:7-21). As far as the Jews were concerned, the grace of God is not supposed to be extended to the Gentiles. But the grace of God is not restricted to a particular group of persons or people. This was what Peter stood today to make the people know that the grace is not for the Jews alone. Salvation is for all especially those who are ready.”“It tells us about our own journey, how some of us behave towards those who we have termed nonentities, or sinners.
We do not see room for improvement in their lives. Friends in Christ, pray for those you have written off. The grace of God can still work for them through your prayers.”“Today we celebrate St Athanasius. He was born around 295 AD in Alexandra in Egypt. Talking about the grace of God moving through His vessels, he was a boy of the bishop of that time.
He accompanied him to the Council of Nicene to fight against Arianism, a heresy that denied the Divinity of Jesus. When the bishop passed he succeeded him. That grace was on him and he fought Arianism for forty five years until he won in 373 AD. The life of St Athanasius tells us that if you allow the power of the grace of God to work in you and through you, you can accomplish a lot. You can bring about a turnaround in Christendom.
You can contribute your quota.”Fr Vincent acknowledged that is not easy to obey the commandment to love everyone especially one’s enemies. He told them to leverage on the grace of God so that they may love everyone and make the world a better place. “It is that grace that will propel you to love just as Jesus admonishes in our Gospel reading.” He emphasized.